No fee grocery shopping
At the Neighborhood Care Center, we believe in neighbors connecting neighbors. And for many of our neighbors - like you and like me - we are one emergency away from not knowing where our next meal is coming from. That's where Neighborhood Market comes in! With the assistance of a Mission Partner, we provide the support of a friendly neighbor to individuals and our families community with Neighborhood Market - grocery shopping at no cost to you.
How can I start shopping at Neighborhood Market? Once a week at NCC Clinton Network you will be welcomed by one of our Mission Partners to shop the A-La-Carte aisle. Our weekly shopping A-La-Carte (Aisle 3 and Aisle 4) include various non-perishable products as well as fresh fruits, vegetables, and breads. You may even get a bouquet of flowers! Once a month you are invited to receive a "Monthly Care Package" for your family that includes staple grains, frozen products, toiletries and more, in addition to shopping down Aisle 1 and Aisle 2. NCC McLean Network offers Neighborhood Market in a "pop-up" fashion. Stop by 104 W Main Street, Heyworth, IL and you will be greeted by our Mission Partner. We merge products that would typically be in Aisles 1-4 into various boxes for a great variety of options. Boxes make it easier for mobility and transportation of groceries. We can offer delivery services (ONLY) to families that partake in the Rise Up Program with Worn Again Too Thrift Store. When can I shop? Neighborhood Market for our Clinton Network is open to our Neighbors every Tuesday & Thursday from 1:00PM-3:00PM. We are also open the first & third Tuesday of every month from 4:30PM-5:30PM. The care center facility (in Clinton) opens 30 minutes before the market opens so families can make themselves at home beforehand. Neighborhood Market for our McLean Network is available to our neighbors every Wednesday from 1:30PM-3:00PM via a "pop-up" care center that is staged inside Worn Again Too Thrift Store off of Main Street in Heyworth, IL. We are also open the 2nd & 4th Thursdays from 5:30pm - 6:30pm. What do I need to qualify for shopping at Neighborhood Market? In order to shop at our no-fee grocery shopping, you must have a valid/unexpired government-issued photo ID, and a piece of mail from the last 60 days for proof of address. This is required for every visit to the market. Neighborhood Market for our Clinton Network is available to all residents of DeWitt County & Maroa, IL. Neighborhood Market for our McLean Network is available to all residents of Southern Mclean County - south of Route 9 (Stanford, Mclean, Shirley, Heyworth, Downs, Ellsworth, Leroy, Arrowsmith, Saybrook, Bellflower). |