We all need help in times of crisis. |
At the Neighborhood Care Center, we believe in neighbors helping neighbors during their time of need. When individuals and families are struggling, they do not have money for clean, properly fitting clothing. We want to lesson the burden for our neighbors! With our Clothing Referrals, we help children, families, and community members get clothing for work, school and daily life.
How can you access Clothing Referral Services?
You can stop by NCC-Clinton on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 4:30-6pm. The care center facility opens up 30 minutes beforehand at 4:00PM. NCC McLean does not provide Clothing Referrals as we partner with a great, well-respected, local organization called Worn Again Too. We invite you to visit their store location in Downtown Heyworth, IL. What do I need to qualify? You must have a valid/unexpired government-issued photo ID. This service is appointment-based. Our Clothing Referrals serve residents of DeWitt County & Maroa, IL. |